Myths about Hair Dyeing

If you are someone who has dyed their hair before, then there are high chances that you might have heard some really bizarre things like how the use of mayonnaise is good to treat colored hair roots, or how only natural hair dyes should be used to color hair.

These notions tend to have an even worse effect on someone who has never colored their hair before and is thinking of doing so for quite some time–hair will turn grey completely and it will result in hair damage.  Regardless of what you’ve heard, it’s high time to debunk some of the most common myths about hair dyeing.

Hair Color Leads to Hair Graying

Let’s look at the scientific side of the picture, shall we? The most common cause of white hair is age, however; your hair can turn grey at any point in your life. Whether you are in your early twenties or your teens, your hair can turn white due to various reasons like stress, genetics, vitamin deficiencies and/or unhealthy habits.

You see, our bodies have millions of hair follicles that generate hair color/pigments containing melanin. When these hair follicles lose their pigmentation, due to any of the reasons mentioned above, it results in your hair turning white. Hence, hair dyes cannot possibly cause your hair to turn white; they are only responsible for adding your desired color.

Dyeing can Reduce Your Hair Volumes

On the contrary, hair color gives more volume to your hair as the lightening agent makes the cuticle swell because it is easier for the color to stick to a swollen hair shaft. So, on the contrary, the aftermath of hair coloring is thicker and fuller strands of hair. So rest assured, hair dyes do not initiate hair loss, as a matter of fact, hair loss is due to numerous reasons like hormonal changes in males and females, extensive stress, pregnancy, fatal diseases, etc.

If you are someone who has experienced hair loss after coloring their hair, then your hair dye might have triggered an underlining cause to the hair fall. For that reason, it is highly recommended to consult a hair expert and thoroughly understand your hair type, tone, and current condition, before choosing a hair dye that will suit you.

Box Dyeing is Better than Going to a Professional

We don’t mean to sound like a professional hair-stylist advocate, but it’s always better to go to an hair-expert and seek their advice on your hair, particularly if you are new to the hair-dyeing endeavor.

Wouldn’t you go to a doctor before starting any treatment, and only take as many pills as the label prescribes? Similarly, every person’s hair texture, color history, and desired results are different, so the same box of color cannot possibly satisfy everyone’s needs.

Although hair coloring kits are quite user-friendly nowadays, however; if you end up choosing the wrong one for your hair type, it’s quite possible that a $6 hair dye can result in you needing a $300 color correction process. Even if you choose a hair dye that has no ammonia, there are still high chances that you might not get the desired hair color that you want; or worse, your hair can come out to be of a completely different color than what you wanted.

This usually happens when we do not calculate the undertone of our hair. For instance, black has a blue undertone, while medium brown has a red undertone, and the list goes on. Thus, always seek expert advice before dyeing your hair.

It’s Okay to Not Let You Stylist Know About Your Color History

So let’s share the experience of a rookie stylist who did her first hair-dye after graduating from beauty school. Her client wanted a certain shade of the color red and when inquired, the client refused to apply any hair dye on herself except for a shade of brown color that she claimed to have done months ago.

So the stylist, as per her expertise, calculated and performed all processes for a perfect dye. The aftermath of the hair dye came out to be completely different from what was expected. Eventually, after a drama lot of drama, the salon manager took one look at the client’s hair and confirmed that she very recently did a box dye on her hair which resulted in this consequence.

Even if you used box dye months ago, and think that it has completely worn off, you’re wrong. You see, to accommodate a large number of users; box dyes tend to be highly pigmented and can result in the accumulation of metallic component in your hair. There are numerous cases of hair foil burring and hair color going wrong just because clients fail to mention these minor yet crucial details.

Thus, let this be a lesson to all the rookies and people who wish to get their hair colored, to always tell your complete color history to a hair stylist. Remember, your hair texture, and previous color applications can significantly affect your desired hair color.

You Must Dye Your Eyebrow As Well

 Some might say, that is very much in fashion these days to keep your eyebrows a couple of shades darker than your actual hair color for a bold and fierce look, while others might say to keep the color of your eyebrows lighter than your actual color to give it a more subtle and natural look.

Irrespective of what you prefer to look like, rest assured that you do not need to dye your eyebrows to get the desired look you want. Plus if you have decided to dye your hair to a vibrant pink or green color, then matching your eyebrows wouldn’t be the best idea to opt for. Therefore using the right colored brow pencil or powder to gently fill in your brows, is a much viable option then dyeing it.


Never Wash Your Hair Before Applying Hair Dye

The decision of washing your hair before coloring them is greatly influenced by the type of hair you have and the type of hair dye you’ll be applying. So if you have an oily scalp, or have used certain products the night before you dye your hair, then make sure to clean them before applying hair dye. This is because dirty hair with accumulated oil in the scalp tends to act as a barrier to hair dye chemicals, which results in a poor hair dye job.

 On the other hand, some stylists prefer applying hair color on unwashed hair. You’ll even notice that some boxes of hair dye’s ask you to wash your hair, while others don’t. This is largely due to the difference in the quality of hair colors, and the results that they are aiming for.

 In some cases, unwashed and non-greasy hair is preferred as it gives a better grip to the hair color, all the while having natural barriers against the hair color chemicals. So it is highly recommended to wash your hair the night before you plan to apply hair dye.

Is It Is A Natural Dye (Henna) Then It is Ought to be Good

Henna might be a natural solution to remove all the grey in our hair, but it has its own set of limitations, such as, it is only available in one color red, and if you are someone who would not like to see various shades of red on your head than Henna might not be the most suitable hair dye for you.

Moreover, henna tends to penetrate over time, and this results in a lack of uniformity with your hair color. It gets even more challenging if you want to change your hair color completely, but the undertone that will remain because of henna might stop you from getting your desired hair color.

Dyeing Can Damage Your Hair

Let’s look at the process of coloring our hair; when the hair color is applied is reacts with metal ions found in our hair, that mostly come from tap water, causing free radicals to form. They are likely to affect hair keratin (hair protein) and essential layers of our hair. This results in hair drying and roughing out.

Hence, to counter that, hair experts highly recommend having strand test to know the condition of your hair, and carefully choosing products that have antioxidants to combat any likely hair damage.

Moreover, even though you might want a full permanent color for a longer stay for hair dye, but having semi-permanent color or glossy color tend to be more effective. This results in healthier and better hair color.

Color-Treated Products are Just for Show

You might be someone who finds color specific shampoo or conditioner expensive, but they are definitely not. The reason being, these products are formulated to keep your hair color last longer while rejuvenating the shine and moisture that you might have lost after color application.

Investing in the right hair products will not only save you the expense of dyeing your hair again and again but it will surely make the whole color dyeing experience more worthwhile.

For that reason, you may have found salon products quite expensive as well. They not only use high-quality formulas for hair dye, but they have expert opinions from a stylist as per the individual hair length and texture.

Hair Type Does Not Make a Difference on Hair Color Application

Hair type can largely affect the timing and the results of hair dye. For instance, if your hair is coarse – i.e. larger in diameter – then in most likely, it will take more time for the hair color to get thoroughly absorbed in the hair. On the other hand, fine hair – which has small diameter – tends to take lesser time in absorbing the hair color resulting in a much quicker process of hair dye.

Mayonnaise is the Best Hair Conditioner for Dyed Hair

Indeed mayonnaise is rich in oil and fats that are considered highly suitable to condition hair, however; using it consistently can drastically affect the condition of your hair. Particularly for color treated hair, mayonnaise should be a no-go area. The reason being, the nutrients that your hair looses in the process of getting dyed cannot be restored by mayonnaise. As a matter of fact, it results in dry and rough hair when it is used with consistency.

Hence, separate color-specific products are recommended for color treated hair, as they not only nourishes the hair chemicals but ensures a lasting hair dye.

Hair Washing is Not Related To Hair Color

On the contrary, washing in general, particularly when you have colored hair, can strongly influence the quality of your hair. Even if you think your hair gets oily if you won’t wash them regularly, it’s a highly misunderstood concept. It is actually the other way around; when you happen to wash your hair everyday they tend to get oilier.

Moreover, it is highly recommended to wash your hair at least 72 hours ate you have dyed your hair. This is because the hair cuticle takes up at least 72 hours to fully close and setting the dye that has been applied.

So here’s the thing remember to brush your hair before washing them to pull down the oils to the very end, then after shampooing your hair remember to use a conditioner as well. It is highly recommended to wash them with lukewarm or cool water to avoid making hair dry and rough.

Hair Dye is Irreversible

If you ever come across a hair dye disaster, whether due to using the wrong product or not being upfront about your previous application to your stylist, then try not to freak out, and whatever you do not lose your faith in hair color process! Remember, these things can be easily fixed, either your hair will grow out, the dye will fade away, or new dye can be applied.

One should dye their hair at least once in a lifetime. It allows you to fully express yourself while feeling anew. So feel free to set aside these myths that have stopped us from fully expressing yourself, and have fun changing your hair color.