How To Stimulate Hair Growth


When it comes to stimulating hair growth you need to first understand it is all about self-care. If this is something new to you, then enjoy the ride and embrace self-care throughout all aspects of your life. Whether you're already on or starting a journey of hair growth you should be honest with yourself and love yourself in order to reach your goals.

 When committing to hair growth you need to ask yourself:
- “Am I really doing all I can to take care of myself on the inside?”
- “Do I really have a hair care routine that works for me?”
- “Do I know how to prevent and protect from damage (such as breakage)?”

“Am I really doing all I can to take care of myself on the inside?”
Drinking enough water and having a balanced diet makes all the difference in your hair growth journey. Remember that hair growth is essentially hair health and the healthier you are on the inside the prettier your hair will be on the outside. With that said, make sure to have a nutritious diet and to enforce that take your vitamin.

“Do I really have a hair care routine that works for me?”
A daily routine is hard to develop with a hustle and bustle career. There are always tips and tricks to make sure you schedule self-care. Instead of trying to carve out time of your busy schedule, make the best use of activities that are already built within your schedule! As you shower, take five minutes to engage in self-care. Use a scalp massager on your scalp to stimulate blood flow to the hair follicle and support hair growth!

Remember to take two vitamins! If you are someone who forgets to take their vitamins don’t worry, to make it easier to take your vitamins by splitting the bottle in two. Yup, in two- simply pour half into a Ziplock and carry it in your purse. The remaining vitamins within the bottle should be placed on your nightstand to remind you to take them before bed.

 “Do I know how to identify my hair problems?”
knowing what your hair problem is can be difficult. You may be experiencing hair loss, shedding, damage, and breakage- just to name a few. You may not know how to identify your hair issues but it never hurts to protect and prevent! Prevention and protection are the bases of hair care and you can do this with a product as simple as an oil. Oils are amazing treatments for hair because of its ability to repair and revive hair to look and feel its best!

Remember to take care of yourself first and we are here for you to guide you, to love you, and to embrace you.